12 December, 2011

05 December, 2011

Distrobution, interviews, and stuff like that

So... I've sent out Vol. III to Microcosm and a few other large and small distros, but that isn't what's big.
What's big is the stuff in the next issue.
Condition Oakland
Blake Schwarzenbach
Endangered Youth

As well as... our first submission from somebody I don't know, X-Mas cookie recipies, poetry, as well as the several pocket sized zines that wil be randomly stapled in some issues.

There will be a price hike though... $2 for this and every future issue.

That's all for now.

With love,

J. Lanzone

22 November, 2011

distros, punx and shit

In a few short weeks I will be getting my distro up and running. Just a banner to put everything under.
Everything as in...
The  Boat Dreams From The Hill (band)
HydraZine (zine)
No/Division (zine)
Darby Crash's Corpse (zine)
Skrim (zine)
Aqua Glow (zine)
Heart and Soul (zine)

among other shit.

I've been very busy lately...

21 November, 2011


I will be printing zines this Wednesday.
I will be playing The Meatgrinder with my band, The Boat Dreams From The Hill on Dec. 2nd
$3 at the door I believe, email me joeylanzone@gmail.com for the address.

14 November, 2011

No/Division Vol. III

The third installment of No/Division will be out on Dec. 14th. (my birthday!)
Featuring BongSlave and The Boat Dreams From The Hill, as well as the usual recipes and etc.

$1 or a couple smokes, you know the drill.

I'll be posting PDFs of old issues at some point in the next couple weeks. So stay tuned!

04 November, 2011


Check this site out.

November welcomes several official staff members,

Joe, Dustin, Colleen Vasey, Eric Glende, and Andrea.

They'll be regular contributors, editors ect.


26 October, 2011


Hydrazine #1 is in the works and will be out on Oct. 29th!

$2 or 2 cigarettes

20 October, 2011


Volume 3 is going to be delayed untill December, complications with contributors etc...
However I will be puttting out a three volume series...
HydraZine, coming soon!

17 October, 2011

Vol. III

Vol. III out Nov. 5th 2011!
Featuring photography by Bianca Garcia, art by Andrea Julca, poetry by Colleen Vasey and Joey Lanzone.

04 October, 2011

No/Division Vol. II

Out now!

With art from Andrea Julca, Colleen Vasey, Joey Lanzone and Stephen Haramis!